Support skateboarding
Build communities
cultivate youth
Skateboarding is a unique way to engage youth and bring people together at the intersection of sport, culture, and transportation.
Through our programs, Cuba Skate develops a new generation of leaders that are better equipped to tackle challenges in their own lives and connect their local and global communities.
The vision
“Our mission is to Support the evolution of skateboarding in Cuba, Build local communities and international connections, and Cultivate youth through sport.”
- Miles Jackson, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Cuba Skate
Not Just a Plank with wheels
Skate Lessons
DIY Skateparks
Cuba Skate, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization based in D.C., LA and Havana, Cuba. They maintain an apolitical stance and operate in compliance with the American and Cuban governments to maintain unique permissions with the U.S. State Department to operate programs in Cuba.
The world’s first 100% recycled plastic skatepark!
Check out Cuba Skate’s sustainability goal to build the world’s first ever 100% recycled plastic skatepark from organizing beach & river cleanups in Havana.